WASD mouse control

Move the mouse using the 'w', 'a', 's', 'd' directional keys.

import map2
import time
import threading


# an easy to use interval utility that allows running functions on a timer
class setInterval:
    def __init__(self, interval, action):
        self.interval = interval / 1000
        self.action = action
        self.stopEvent = threading.Event()
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__setInterval)

    def __setInterval(self):
        nextTime = time.time() + self.interval
        while not self.stopEvent.wait(nextTime - time.time()):
            nextTime += self.interval

    def cancel(self):

# read from keyboard
reader_kbd = map2.Reader(patterns=["/dev/input/by-id/example-keyboard"])

# to move the mouse programmatically, we need a mouse reader we can write into
reader_mouse = map2.Reader()

# add new virtual output devices
writer_kbd = map2.Writer(clone_from="/dev/input/by-id/example-keyboard")
writer_mouse = map2.Writer(capabilities={"rel": True, "buttons": True})

# add mapper
mapper_kbd = map2.Mapper()

# setup the event routing
map2.link([reader_kbd, mapper_kbd, writer_kbd])
map2.link([reader_mouse, writer_mouse])

# we keep a map of intervals that maps each key to the associated interval
intervals = {}

def mouse_ctrl(key, state, axis, multiplier):
    def inner_fn():
        # on key release, remove and cancel the corresponding interval
        if state == 0:
            if key in intervals:

        # this function will move our mouse using the virtual reader
        def send():
            value = 15 * multiplier
            reader_mouse.send("{{relative {} {}}}".format(axis, value))

        # we call it once to move the mouse a bit immediately on key down
        # and register an interval that will continue to move it on a timer
        intervals[key] = setInterval(20, send)
    return inner_fn

# setup the key mappings
mapper_kbd.map("w up",   mouse_ctrl("w", 0, "Y", -1))
mapper_kbd.map("w down", mouse_ctrl("w", 1, "Y", -1))
mapper_kbd.nop("w repeat")

mapper_kbd.map("a up",   mouse_ctrl("a", 0, "X", -1))
mapper_kbd.map("a down", mouse_ctrl("a", 1, "X", -1))
mapper_kbd.nop("a repeat")

mapper_kbd.map("s up",   mouse_ctrl("s", 0, "Y", 1))
mapper_kbd.map("s down", mouse_ctrl("s", 1, "Y", 1))
mapper_kbd.nop("s repeat")

mapper_kbd.map("d up",   mouse_ctrl("d", 0, "X", 1))
mapper_kbd.map("d down", mouse_ctrl("d", 1, "X", 1))
mapper_kbd.nop("d repeat")

# Keep running forever

Allows moving the mouse by binding the WASD directional keys to functions that emmit mouse move events.

This script uses a custom interval implementation to control how much the mouse should be moved. An alternative approach would be binding the WASD repeat state to move the mouse every time a repeat key event is received.