Keys and key sequences
All of map2’s functions that deal with mapping keys and emmiting virtual input events accept a specific syntax for defining such events.
Single keys
Let’s look at an example, the Mapper::map_key(key, key) function:
import map2
mapper = map2.Mapper()
mapper.map_key("a", "tab")
This function maps the “a” key to the “tab” key and expects a key
type for both sides.
When functions expect a key
, it means that only a single key with optional modifiers is allowed.
Passing in additional modifiers is possible by prepending the keys with one or more of the following special characters:
: ctrl!
: alt+
: shift#
: meta
Let’s map ALT + a
to CTRL + tab
import map2
mapper = map2.Mapper()
# "ALT + b" to "CTRL + tab"
mapper.map_key("!b", "^tab")
# if we want to map the "!" key, we need to escape it with "\"
mapper.map_key("\\!", "^tab")
# note that we used two "\" since it's a python string
Note: Keys are case-sensitive except special keys discussed in the next section.
Key sequences
Sometimes functions accept more than one key, in which case we need to use the more explicit syntax. Let’s look at the Mapper::map(key, key_sequence) function:"!a", "Hello!")"b", "{ctrl down}{tab}{ctrl up}")
# mixing regular characters with special ones is also allowed"#c", "type this and CTRL+w{ctrl down}w{ctrl up}")
Notice that the first argument is a key
type while the second argument is a key_sequence
The special modifier characters are treated as normal characters, instead there are only two
special characters in sequences: {
and }
Special keys now need to be surrounded by curly braces, i.e. “tab” becomes {tab}
, which
will result in tab being pressed and released right after.
In many cases, we want a key to be held for some time, which can be achieved by specifying a
after the key name, i.e. {ctrl down}
will press the control key, but not release it.
Valid states are:
Special key list
Here’s a list of all special key names you can use with {KEY_NAME}
Key names | Description |
reserved | |
escape esc | |
backspace | |
tab | |
enter | |
ctrl leftctrl | left control |
shift leftshift | left shift |
right_shift rightshift | right shift |
kpasterisk | keypad '*' |
left_alt leftalt | left meta |
space | |
capslock | |
f1 | function 1 |
f2 | function 2 |
f3 | function 3 |
f4 | function 4 |
f5 | function 5 |
f6 | function 6 |
f7 | function 7 |
f8 | function 8 |
f9 | function 9 |
f10 | function 10 |
numlock | |
scrolllock | |
keypad_7 kp7 | keypad 7 |
keypad_8 kp8 | keypad 8 |
keypad_9 kp9 | keypad 9 |
kpminus | keypad '-' |
keypad_4 kp4 | keypad 4 |
keypad_5 kp5 | keypad 5 |
keypad_6 kp6 | keypad 6 |
kpplus | keypad '+' |
keypad_1 kp1 | keypad 1 |
keypad_2 kp2 | keypad 2 |
keypad_3 kp3 | keypad 3 |
keypad_0 kp0 | keypad 0 |
kpdot | keypad '.' |
zenkakuhankaku | |
102nd | |
f11 | function 11 |
f12 | function 12 |
ro | |
katakana | |
hiragana | |
henkan | |
katakanahiragana | |
muhenkan | |
kpjpcomma | keypad Japanese '、' |
kpenter | keypad 'center' |
right_ctrl rightctrl | right control |
kpslash | keypad '/' |
sysrq | |
right_alt rightalt | right alt |
linefeed | |
home | |
up | 'up' directional key |
page_up pageup | |
left | 'left' directional key |
right | 'right' directional key |
end | |
down | 'down' directional key |
page_down pagedown | |
insert | |
delete | |
macro | |
mute | |
volumedown | |
volumeup | |
power | |
kpequal | keypad '=' |
kpplusminus | keypad '+/-' |
pause | |
scale | |
kpcomma | keypad ',' |
hangeul | |
hanja | |
yen | JPY (円) |
meta leftmeta | left meta |
rightmeta | right meta |
compose | |
stop | |
again | |
props | |
undo | |
front | |
copy | |
open | |
paste | |
find | |
cut | |
help | |
menu | |
calc | |
setup | |
sleep | |
wakeup | |
file | |
sendfile | |
deletefile | |
xfer | |
prog1 | |
prog2 | |
www | |
msdos | |
coffee | |
rotate_display | |
cyclewindows | |
bookmarks | |
computer | |
back | |
forward | |
closecd | |
ejectcd | |
ejectclosecd | |
nextsong | |
playpause | |
previoussong | |
stopcd | |
record | |
rewind | |
phone | |
iso | |
config | |
homepage | |
refresh | |
exit | |
move | |
edit | |
scrollup | |
scrolldown | |
kpleftparen | keypad '(' |
kprightparen | keypad ')' |
new | |
redo | |
f13 | function 13 |
f14 | function 14 |
f15 | function 15 |
f16 | function 16 |
f17 | function 17 |
f18 | function 18 |
f19 | function 19 |
f20 | function 20 |
f21 | function 21 |
f22 | function 22 |
f23 | function 23 |
f24 | function 24 |
playcd | |
pausecd | |
prog3 | |
prog4 | |
dashboard | |
suspend | |
close | |
play | |
fastforward | |
bassboost | |
hp | |
camera | |
sound | |
question | |
chat | |
search | |
connect | |
finance | |
sport | |
shop | |
alterase | |
cancel | |
brightnessdown | |
brightnessup | |
media | |
switchvideomode | |
kbdillumtoggle | |
kbdillumdown | |
kbdillumup | |
send | |
reply | |
forwardmail | |
save | |
documents | |
battery | |
bluetooth | |
wlan | |
uwb | |
unknown | |
video_next | |
video_prev | |
brightness_cycle | |
brightness_auto | |
display_off | |
wwan | |
rfkill | |
micmute | |
ok | |
select | |
goto | |
clear | |
power2 | |
option | |
info | |
time | |
vendor | |
archive | |
program | |
channel | |
favorites | |
epg | |
pvr | |
mhp | |
language | |
title | |
subtitle | |
angle | |
zoom | |
mode | |
keyboard | |
screen | |
pc | |
tv | |
tv2 | |
vcr | |
vcr2 | |
sat | |
sat2 | |
cd | |
tape | |
radio | |
tuner | |
player | |
text | |
dvd | |
aux | |
mp3 | |
audio | |
video | |
directory | |
list | |
memo | |
calendar | |
red | |
green | |
yellow | |
blue | |
channelup | |
channeldown | |
first | |
last | |
ab | |
next | |
restart | |
slow | |
shuffle | |
break | |
previous | |
digits | |
teen | |
twen | |
videophone | |
games | |
zoomin | |
zoomout | |
zoomreset | |
wordprocessor | |
editor | |
spreadsheet | |
graphicseditor | |
presentation | |
database | |
news | |
voicemail | |
addressbook | |
messenger | |
displaytoggle | |
spellcheck | |
logoff | |
frameback | |
frameforward | |
context_menu | |
media_repeat | |
10channelsup | |
10channelsdown | |
images | |
del_eol | |
del_eos | |
ins_line | |
del_line | |
fn | |
fn_esc | |
fn_f1 | |
fn_f2 | |
fn_f3 | |
fn_f4 | |
fn_f5 | |
fn_f6 | |
fn_f7 | |
fn_f8 | |
fn_f9 | |
fn_f10 | |
fn_f11 | |
fn_f12 | |
fn_1 | |
fn_2 | |
fn_d | |
fn_e | |
fn_f | |
fn_s | |
fn_b | |
brl_dot1 | braille dot 1 |
brl_dot2 | braille dot 2 |
brl_dot3 | braille dot 3 |
brl_dot4 | braille dot 4 |
brl_dot5 | braille dot 5 |
brl_dot6 | braille dot 6 |
brl_dot7 | braille dot 7 |
brl_dot8 | braille dot 8 |
brl_dot9 | braille dot 9 |
brl_dot10 | braille dot 10 |
numeric_0 | numpad 0 |
numeric_1 | numpad 1 |
numeric_2 | numpad 2 |
numeric_3 | numpad 3 |
numeric_4 | numpad 4 |
numeric_5 | numpad 5 |
numeric_6 | numpad 6 |
numeric_7 | numpad 7 |
numeric_8 | numpad 8 |
numeric_9 | numpad 9 |
numeric_star | numpad '*' |
numeric_pound | numpad '£' |
numeric_a | numpad 'a' |
numeric_b | numpad 'b' |
numeric_c | numpad 'c' |
numeric_d | numpad 'd' |
camera_focus | |
wps_button | |
touchpad_toggle | |
touchpad_on | |
touchpad_off | |
camera_zoomin | |
camera_zoomout | |
camera_up | |
camera_down | |
camera_left | |
camera_right | |
attendant_on | |
attendant_off | |
attendant_toggle | |
lights_toggle | |
als_toggle | |
buttonconfig | |
taskmanager | |
journal | |
controlpanel | |
appselect | |
screensaver | |
voicecommand | |
brightness_min | |
brightness_max | |
kbdinputassist_prev | |
kbdinputassist_next | |
kbdinputassist_prevgroup | |
kbdinputassist_nextgroup | |
kbdinputassist_accept | |
kbdinputassist_cancel | |
right_up | |
right_down | |
left_up | |
left_down | |
root_menu | |
media_top_menu | |
numeric_11 | |
numeric_12 | |
audio_desc | |
3d_mode | |
next_favorite | |
stop_record | |
pause_record | |
vod | |
unmute | |
fastreverse | |
slowreverse | |
data | |
max | |
btn_0 | |
btn_1 | |
btn_2 | |
btn_3 | |
btn_4 | |
btn_5 | |
btn_6 | |
btn_7 | |
btn_8 | |
btn_9 | |
btn_left | left mouse button |
btn_right | right mouse button |
btn_middle | middle mouse button |
btn_side | |
btn_extra | |
btn_forward | |
btn_back | |
btn_task | |
btn_trigger | |
btn_thumb | |
btn_thumb2 | |
btn_top | |
btn_top2 | |
btn_pinkie | |
btn_base | |
btn_base2 | |
btn_base3 | |
btn_base4 | |
btn_base5 | |
btn_base6 | |
btn_dead | |
btn_south | |
btn_east | |
btn_c | |
btn_north | |
btn_west | |
btn_z | |
btn_tl | |
btn_tr | |
btn_tl2 | |
btn_tr2 | |
btn_select | |
btn_start | |
btn_mode | |
btn_thumbl | |
btn_thumbr | |
btn_tool_pen | |
btn_tool_rubber | |
btn_tool_brush | |
btn_tool_pencil | |
btn_tool_airbrush | |
btn_tool_finger | |
btn_tool_mouse | |
btn_tool_lens | |
btn_tool_quinttap | |
btn_touch | |
btn_stylus | |
btn_stylus2 | |
btn_tool_doubletap | |
btn_tool_tripletap | |
btn_tool_quadtap | |
btn_gear_down | |
btn_gear_up | |
btn_dpad_up | |
btn_dpad_down | |
btn_dpad_left | |
btn_dpad_right | |
btn_trigger_happy1 | |
btn_trigger_happy2 | |
btn_trigger_happy3 | |
btn_trigger_happy4 | |
btn_trigger_happy5 | |
btn_trigger_happy6 | |
btn_trigger_happy7 | |
btn_trigger_happy8 | |
btn_trigger_happy9 | |
btn_trigger_happy10 | |
btn_trigger_happy11 | |
btn_trigger_happy12 | |
btn_trigger_happy13 | |
btn_trigger_happy14 | |
btn_trigger_happy15 | |
btn_trigger_happy16 | |
btn_trigger_happy17 | |
btn_trigger_happy18 | |
btn_trigger_happy19 | |
btn_trigger_happy20 | |
btn_trigger_happy21 | |
btn_trigger_happy22 | |
btn_trigger_happy23 | |
btn_trigger_happy24 | |
btn_trigger_happy25 | |
btn_trigger_happy26 | |
btn_trigger_happy27 | |
btn_trigger_happy28 | |
btn_trigger_happy29 | |
btn_trigger_happy30 | |
btn_trigger_happy31 | |
btn_trigger_happy32 | |
btn_trigger_happy33 | |
btn_trigger_happy34 | |
btn_trigger_happy35 | |
btn_trigger_happy36 | |
btn_trigger_happy37 | |
btn_trigger_happy38 | |
btn_trigger_happy39 | |
btn_trigger_happy40 |